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회사 개요

회사 앨범

기본 정보
AXON was established in 2010 as a design brand primarily using Neoprene as the main material. We also provide customized design and production services as a product development team. Starting from manufacturing diving suits, AXON has diversified into various Neoprene-related products. Our brand's products range from Work bags, Leisure bags to Essentials Lifestyle Bags items, all of which are the focal points of AXON's development. If you need such products, we will be your best choice!OEM & ODM Services:We specialize in Neoprene as the primary material and offer comprehensive services from design to manufacturing. Whether your product or item requires such characteristics, AXON can provide end-to-end services from design, pattern making to manufacturing (ODM). We also accept commissioned manufacturing based on your designs (OEM). With our professional services, we aim to enhance the quality and value of your products. This has been AXON's unchanged service goal since the beginning!
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비즈니스 유형
거래 회사
Taiwan, China
주력 제품총 직원
Fewer than 5 People
총 연간 수익
Below US$1 Million
설립 연도
제품 인증
주요 시장